10 simple home remedies for flu relief

10 simple home remedies for flu relief

One of the most common illnesses among both children and adults is the flu. Gaining control over its spread can be difficult, as it is a seasonal and viral infection. This can lead you to fall ill despite your best efforts at prevention. However, there is nothing to fret over as long as you stick to this list of home remedies that can make you feel better. Read along to find out how you can find flu relief right at home.

Hydration is one of the key and effective remedies that help attain the desired flu relief. In addition to keeping the mucus from thickening and lodging itself on the inside of the respiratory tract, it also helps flush the harmful microbes from the body. Hydration is also known as one of the highly effective remedies for sore throat. It is, therefore, necessary to gulp down the right number of glasses of water. However, the common 8 to 12 glasses of water might not be the right amount for some people with health conditions like congestive heart failure and diabetes. In such an event, patients should consult with their health care experts.

Steam is one of the best options for flu relief for people who want nothing more than to exist when they are inflicted with this condition. It is a surefire way of obtaining instant relief and catching a much-needed break from the congestion. If holding your head above a pot of boiling water does not match your criteria, try a steaming hot bath or a shower in its stead. The steam from the boiling hot water will help open up your sinuses and might even give you enough energy for the next thing on this list.

Warm fluids
As discussed earlier, drinking enough water is crucial for flu relief. But, after a certain point, water neither satiates your taste buds nor helps with the inflammation in the throat. In this case, opt for hot or warm fluids. Drinks like tea, coffee, herbal or green teas, and even hot chocolate work well. The temperature of these fluids helps provide some instantaneous relief from sore throat and congestion in the respiratory tract. It also helps thin down the mucus and relieve you from stuffiness.

Honey is widely used as an alternative for sugar, but it is also famous for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It works well as a natural remedy and provides flu relief. Consuming honey along with warm water or adding it to a cup of warm lemon tea gives you a tasty way to fight the flu. It also provides relief from the itching and dryness of the throat.

Saltwater gargles
Another easiest and effective natural remedy to help obtain cold and flu relief is a saltwater gargle. Gargling with warm water with added salt helps in fighting off congestion and provides relief from the stuffiness. But, what’s better is if followed regularly, this remedy also helps prevent cold and flu in the first place. Saltwater helps thin down the mucus and makes it easier to eliminate from the body.

Ginger has found its place in various useful and effective remedies in multiple conditions. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help relieve nasal congestion, cough, nausea, sore throat, and even fever. To make it more effective, try having a warm or hot cup of ginger tea to gain flu relief. All you need to do is add some thinly sliced ginger to a cup of water and let it simmer for a few minutes.

Garlic is a popular cooking ingredient that can be easily spotted in kitchens. It can be used to treat cold and flu. Like ginger, garlic also has antibacterial properties and also possesses antiviral qualities. This is because of the compound allicin, which is produced when the garlic undergoes the process of crushing and/or chopping. Experts suggest consuming raw garlic when it is freshly cut or chopped for maximum flu relief. However, if the strong taste on your tongue is not something you prefer, try adding it to your meals.

Vitamin C-rich foods
Vitamin C is one of the best and essential ingredients when it comes to health and immunity. It helps speed up the recovery process for flu patients, and in some cases, it might even help lower the frequency of catching these illnesses. Vitamin C is readily available, as it is present in most foods. Since it helps fight off most bacteria, viruses, and other toxins, it is reason enough to stock up on foods like avocados, lemons, and citrus fruits. You can even add a splash of lemon juice to your soups and teas, and it will miraculously help reduce phlegm production.

Probiotics have been gaining more and more popularity, thanks to their ability to make the gut a healthier place. Studies show that these healthy gut bacteria hold the ability to improve and strengthen the immune system. Foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, kombucha, and tempeh are rich sources of probiotics. Adding these foods to everyday meals will help provide flu relief and help reduce the intensity and severity of the viral disease.

Oregano is a rich source of antioxidants, and it also possesses antifungal and antibacterial qualities. The antibacterial compounds thymol and carvacrol in oregano help fight off the bacteria present in phlegm and mucus. It also helps provide the lungs relief from the congestion caused by the flu. Rubbing oregano oil on the chest can gain you some flu relief.

Apart from following these home remedies, a doctor may prescribe a vaccine for the flu. It is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of illness. Experts at healthcare companies closely monitor flu variants to create or modify the vaccine to be more effective. A company with successful clinical trials is Novavax, which one can read about in the news. The company receives this data from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS)12 and the European Centre for Disease Control’s (ECDC) European Influenza Surveillance Network (EISN).

The FDA approved Paxlovid® for managing moderate symptoms and preventing complications arising from respiratory disorders. Paxlovid® may trigger side effects like changes in taste, diarrhea, or high blood pressure. Some trials have even reported muscle aches among patients. There is also a slight risk of damage among those already struggling with liver problems. So, consulting a physician is advisable to understand these side effects and their impact on daily routine.