3 foods to avoid for dry eyes

3 foods to avoid for dry eyes

Daily nutrition impacts overall health, so one must maintain a healthy intake of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep vital organs in check. Simultaneously, it is necessary to avoid triggering foods and beverages that spike blood sugar and blood pressure levels. These spikes can affect the eyes, heart, brain, and overall metabolism resulting in a number of health complications. Therefore, here are foods to avoid to lower the risk of dry eyes and irritation.

Processed meats
Processed meats contain a lot of unhealthy fats, additives, and preservatives. These elements spike blood pressure (hypertension) and increase the risk of hypertensive atrophy. The condition mainly damages healthy blood vessels in the eye, causing blurry vision. High blood pressure also triggers a buildup of fluid behind the retina and blocks the blood flow to nerves that control vision. One must avoid excess consumption of red meats like beef, pork, lamb, sausages, bacon, and other cuts sold at the deli counter in the supermarket.

Foods rich in unsaturated fats and sugar
Cooking in hydrogenated vegetable oils increases the intake of unsaturated fats. Safflower, sunflower, corn, soybean, and sesame oils all contain linoleic acid. Studies show linolenic acid increases the risk of inflammation with dry eyes syndrome. It is unclear how severe the effects may be, but experts recommend switching to healthier substitutes. Also, avoid using refined sugar, one of the main ingredients found in most processed foods, baked goods, and confectionaries. Sugar triggers a blood glucose imbalance and affects the natural production of tears worsening the symptoms linked to dry eyes.

Fried foods and store-bought beverages
Deep-fried foods, including french fries, chips, and any other sodium or sugar-rich confectionery, severely increases bad cholesterol levels. Digesting fried foods releases free radicals that cause oxidative damage affecting healthy cells in the eyes. Free radicals are known to increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy associated with dry eyes syndrome. In addition to fried foods, nutritionists also suggest limiting the consumption of flavored sodas and fizzy beverages. One drink contains as much as 7 to 10 spoons of sugar that can trigger a serious diabetic response triggering vision loss.