4 remedies to manage the side effects of breast cancer treatments

4 remedies to manage the side effects of breast cancer treatments

Breast cancer, a condition more common in older women, is a predominantly invasive disease where tumors grow uncontrollably in the breasts. In most cases, doctors prescribe a combination of management options like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, or surgery to fight off the cancer cells. While they hamper disease progression, these treatments may cause some side effects, such as nausea, constipation, vomiting, loss of appetite, exhaustion, and pain.

Remedies to alleviate side effects
One of the best ways to avoid or lower the chance of side effects of cancer treatment is to opt for relatively safer options like Enhertu, which does not harm healthy cells and targets only cancer cells. Enhertu attaches to certain cancer cell proteins and delivers chemotherapy directly to the cancer cells, reducing some common side effects associated with traditional chemotherapy. That being said, certain home remedies can also lower the chance of or alleviate common side effects of breast cancer.

1. Have smaller meal portions
Stomach sickness caused by cancer treatment is a common side effect. To manage that, one can eat smaller portions of meals frequently throughout the day. Eating wholesome, dry, and bland foods and avoiding any strong flavors is recommended. One can also get rid of any bad taste in the mouth by regularly rinsing their mouth both before and after meals.

2. Engage in moderate exercise and rest
Fatigue and tiredness are other common side effects of breast cancer treatments. To recover well, one should aim for an adequate sleep of seven to eight hours. Mild to moderate exercises like walking can also help. It is also recommended to take frequent breaks during the day and spread out any tasks to allow for sufficient rest.

3. Use cooling caps
Chemotherapy and targeted therapies can affect one’s hair, leading to hair thinning, hair loss, or scalp damage. To manage this side effect, one can use cooling caps that fit tightly on one’s head. These caps slow down blood flow to the head and lower the amount of treatment substance—responsible for hair loss—reaching one’s scalp. One should ask the doctor if this remedy will be suitable for them. Alternatively, one can also shave one’s head to avoid scalp irritation.

4. Apply moisturizer
Breast cancer treatment can cause the skin to become dry, red, or itchy. To avoid redness, one can apply moisturizers or baby oils and use sun protection. Also, it is advisable to use mild soaps and bathe in lukewarm water. Hot showers can dry out one’s skin and cause even more irritation. If this happens, one must consult their doctor.