4 ways to stop vitiligo from spreading

4 ways to stop vitiligo from spreading

Vitiligo is a health condition that causes the skin to lose color and develop patches and spots of a lighter shade. While some may develop a few spots, others might notice large patches on different areas across the body. Healthcare experts, such as dermatologists, may recommend a variety of treatment options to restore lost skin color or pigment. Sometimes, they may also suggest a few remedies to prevent the spread of vitiligo.

1. Protect the skin from the sun
Skin that has lost color may sunburn easily, and severe sunburn can worsen one’s condition. So, it is important to protect the skin from harsh sunlight. One can do this by standing in the shade as much as possible when outdoors and wearing clothes that protect the skin from the sun. They can also use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 or higher and with other features like broad-spectrum protection and water resistance.

2. Avoid tanning beds or sun lamps
Tanning beds and sun lamps are just as bad as direct sunlight, as they can burn the skin and worsen vitiligo. It is important to note that these do not darken the areas that have lost color and can instead worsen vitiligo symptoms, such as sun sensitivity and itching .

3. Steer clear of activities that can cause skin injuries
A skin injury may trigger new spots or patches in those with vitiligo. So, those with the condition should avoid activities like contact sports that make them prone to cuts or scrapes.

4. Join a support group
While everyone can develop the same symptoms with vitiligo, the ways to manage it may differ from one person to the next. So, connecting with others, such as through a support group, may help better manage the condition. In this group, one could learn more about vitiligo and various remedies to prevent it from spreading. One could also share their experiences with those with a similar condition.