5 foods that can harm brain function and memory

5 foods that can harm brain function and memory

Studies indicate that the human brain absorbs about 20-30% of energy from one’s daily calorie intake. Brain health determines a person’s cognitive abilities, including learning, attention, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Cognitive capacity is greatly dependent on the type of food one eats. Nutrient and antioxidant-rich nuts, eggs, fish, fruits, and vegetables boost cognitive functionality. But certain foods, like the ones mentioned below, are best avoided to ensure optimal brain function.

Refined sugars
Added or refined sugars can include baked goods like donuts, candies, chocolates, cakes, cookies, ice cream, and more can lead to memory problems. Glucose is an essential component to fuel one’s cellular capability, but overconsumption of it in the form of added or white sugar can slow down one’s cognitive functions. Some studies indicate a link between chronic intake of refined sugar and memory impairment.

Sodas and energy drinks
Energy drinks and sodas are marketed as products that instantly boost one’s energy levels but could also lead to forgetfulness. Elevated blood sugar levels due to high intake of sugary beverages may lead to diabetes, abnormal insulin levels, and decreased blood flow to the brain. These, in turn, heighten the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Vegetable oils
Vegetable oils can provide the much-needed omega-3 fatty acids, but the high intake of refined oil made from corn, canola, or sunflower is associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline.

White bread and pasta
White bread, potatoes, white rice, pasta, and other food items high in refined carbs tend to dull one’s memory and spike blood sugar and insulin levels. Studies show that continuous intake of refined carbs can harm one’s neurocognitive function over time and lead to impaired memory.

Fried foods
Foods like tempura, fries, chips, fried chicken, and more can trigger inflammation and damage blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. Fried foods have also been associated with increased episodes of lethargy, impaired focus, and decreased resilience in people, especially those suffering from mental disorders.

Besides food habits, malnutrition and poor sleep patterns also negatively impact one’s focus, memory, and brain functions. People who have bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or other mental disorders that affect their thinking and mood can opt for oral treatments like vraylar alongside healthy food habits. It’s advisable to consult a health expert so one can detect the onset of any mental disorders and get a customized treatment plan early on.

Further, one can also consider getting online therapy to deal with mental health issues and other conditions. Online mental therapy services, even though customizable, may be eligible for insurance coverage. So, one can check out online therapy services on platforms like BetterHelp, Talkspace, and Cerebral.