7 common foods that boost lung health

7 common foods that boost lung health

Most people will be surprised that their food may affect their breathing. It is, therefore, essential to eat certain foods to manage lung health and live a healthy life. Besides, healthy eating habits, a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding common lung irritants are the basics of keeping the respiratory system in pristine health. Some foods can help individuals improve their breathing capacity and better manage their respiratory illness. Let’s know a few:

Apples are rich in the antioxidant quercetin, which is known for lowering the body’s inflammatory levels and easing irritation. Patients with COPD can add apples to their daily snacks or meals to relieve their inflamed airways and lungs. Bananas also have some amount of this antioxidant in them.

Including beetroots in meals can help increase the amount of healthy nitrates. The body then converts these nitrates into nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. This process also improves the oxygen passing through the blood vessels, benefiting breathing and lung health. Additionally, beets contain antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Blueberries carry a rich source of anthocyanins – an antioxidant flavonoid in high quantities in dark-colored berries like black and strawberries. They can be especially beneficial in reducing the inflammation and mucus levels in the lungs and the rest of the respiratory tract. Berries can also help slow down the age-related decline in lung tissues.

Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are great for improved lung health. They are all rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, and other antioxidants useful in fighting inflammation. Including an optimum amount of carotenoids in daily intake can assist in lowering the risk of lung cancer in individuals.

Lentils, along with other legumes, have high levels of fiber. Studies suggest that the improved fiber intake from legumes benefits the lungs. There have also been studies that have provided results about how intake of dietary fiber can help prevent and repair the damage caused to lung tissues. The damage can result from environmental or other lung irritants. The protective impact is important in reducing the prevalence of COPD among patients.

Vitamin C is a crucial antioxidant ingredient commonly found in most foods. Including the right amount of vitamin C throughout the day can help improve lung function and bring down the inflammatory levels in the body. Red peppers are one of the foods with high levels of vitamin C as one of their main ingredients. Vitamin C is essential for those with compromised lung health and increased exposure to irritants and pollutants.

Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation. They are also rich in vitamin C and can be easily incorporated into meals. Adding tomatoes or tomato-based products to meals can provide essential nutrients, especially for people with respiratory disorders such as asthma or COPD. Therefore, lycopene can be considered an essential food item for such individuals.