Best foods for relieving constipation

Best foods for relieving constipation

Almost a third of our country’s population aged 60 and above experiences constipation, and the prevalence increases with age. When constipated, passing stools becomes difficult, and bowel movements become irregular. Besides, patients experience additional symptoms like stomach discomfort. The problem is typically an outcome of poor lifestyle and nutrition; however, other causes may also be involved. Keep reading to learn about various foods and medications that can help relieve constipation and make bowel movements regular.

Water is probably the solution to half the health problems in the world. Since dehydration is one of the commonest causes of constipation, and drinking plenty of water can often help in easing or resolving the symptoms. Due to dehydration, the intestines are unable to add enough water to stools — this results in lumpy, dry, and hard stools, leading to constipation.

Most pulses such as peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans, and more are extremely rich in fiber, which is a nutrient that promotes good digestion and reduces constipation. According to a study conducted in 2017, 100 grams of cooked pulses pack in close to 26% of the daily recommended fiber intake. It also contains substantial quantities of other nutrients that help in easing constipation, such as vitamin B6, zinc, folate, and potassium.

Broccoli is an extremely healthy vegetable and contains sulforaphane, which is a substance that could end up protecting the gut and easing digestion too. Sulforaphane could also help in preventing the overgrowth of some intestinal microorganisms, which could interfere with healthy digestion. Broccoli is also said to improve bowel movements.

Yogurt and kefir
Probiotics are extremely effective in improving gut health. Many dairy products, including kefir and yogurt, contain microorganisms called probiotics, helping improve gut health and in softening stools. According to a 2014 study, 180 ml of unflavored probiotic yogurt every morning for two weeks improved bowel movements in those with chronic constipation.

Specific fruits such as pears, apples, grapes, kiwis, raspberries, and blackberries are helpful in solving the problem of constipation. Pears and apples contain several compounds that include digestion, including fructose, sorbitol, and fiber. These fruits also have high water levels, easing digestion. Grapes have a higher skin-to-flesh ratio than other fruits, making them fiber and water-rich. A total of 100 grams of kiwis have around 2-3 grams of fiber, which helps digestion and speeds up intestinal flow. Kiwis contain the enzyme actinidine and many phytochemicals, which have a huge role in improving digestion. Raspberries and blackberries are rich in both water and fiber.

Olive and flaxseed oil
Olive oil helps in easing the flow of materials through the intestines. Flaxseed oil has a mild laxative effect, similarly easing the flow of materials via the intestines and relieving constipation. Both oils also have compounds that are responsible for improving digestion and have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties.

Clear soups
Clear soups are probably one of the best and easiest foods to digest and are quite nutritious. They also add moisture to dense, hard stools, softening them and making them easier to pass. Eating warm foods and liquids that are easier to digest also helps in relieving constipation.

If these foods do not help, patients can consider using one of the following medications for constipation:

This is an FDA-approved pain-relieving medication to treat constipation caused by opioids. Patients can find discount coupons online for this constipation relief medication or purchase the MOVANTIK Savings Card to get it at a low price.

This medication may help treat occasional constipation. It is available in a powdered form and can be mixed with water, coffee, tea, orange juice, and more.

Another excellent solution for occasional constipation, Dulcolax® helps stool move quickly through the digestive tract, relieving symptoms. It is available in three solutions: fast relief, overnight relief, and gradual relief.

LINZESS® is a medication containing linaclotide. Unlike some other medications mentioned here, it isn’t a laxative. LINZESS® constipation treatment Rx helps soften the stool by increasing the production of chloride and water in the intestines. This makes bowel movements easier and helps manage constipation and other IBS-C symptoms. The medicine can be refilled from the local pharmacy, or patients can redeem LINZESS® constipation treatment Rx coupons from online drugstores.