Cancer surgery – Procedure, types, and cost

Cancer surgery – Procedure, types, and cost

Today, there are many ways to manage cancer symptoms and remove cancerous cells if the condition is detected early. A common approach to targeting and getting rid of tumors is surgery. At times, surgical procedures can even help diagnose cancer, determine the stage of the disease, and even prevent cancer. Cancer surgery can also provide relief from symptoms. This mode of treatment is often combined with other management options and therapies to deal with cancer.

A typical surgery to target cancer involves the removal of cancerous masses from the body. The procedure usually involves the use of surgical tools to extract the tumor and healthy tissue around it. The surgeon might also remove a few lymph nodes in the area, which are then tested to check for cancer cells.

Types of surgical procedures
Over time, a variety of surgical methods have emerged that can target cancerous cells in unique ways, For instance, cryosurgery involves the use of cold material to freeze and eliminate cancerous cells, while electrosurgery involves the use of an electric current to destroy cancer cells. Another option is laser surgery, which uses light to shrink the tumor. Other types of surgeries include:

Mohs surgery: This procedure involves the removal of cancer layer by layer. As each layer is extracted, it is studied under the microscope for signs of cancer. The procedure is repeated until all the abnormal cells are removed. Mohs surgery is typically used for cancers on sensitive areas of the skin, such as around the eye.

Laparoscopic surgery: This is a minimally invasive procedure that allows a surgeon to make multiple small cuts in the body instead of one large cut. A tiny camera and surgical tools are inserted through the cuts, while an external monitor shows what the camera sees. The surgeon will use the images to guide the tools to remove cancer.

Robotic surgery: In this method, the surgeon sits away from the operating table and looks at a screen that shows a 3D image of the area being operated on. The surgeon uses controls to guide the robot, helping it use surgical tools to operate. The method helps surgeons remove cancer from hard-to-reach areas. This method comes with a relatively shorter recovery time.

Natural orifice surgery: This procedure lets surgeons operate on organs in the belly without making an incision through the skin. The surgeon usually passes surgical tools through a natural opening, like the mouth, vagina, or rectum. The goal of this surgery is to lower the risk of infection, pain, and other complications following the procedure.

The total cost of cancer treatment is about $150,000 on average, and one may spend anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000 annually on cancer treatment. However, the number can vary based on the type of management option, such as surgery. Other factors that might influence the cost of surgery are the technique, severity of the condition, number of treatments, and the extent of care required before and after the surgery. One could check with a healthcare professional for a more accurate estimate.