Benefits of Following the Meditteranean Diet
Diets & Meal Plans

Benefits of Following the Meditteranean Diet

Several popular diet plans set guidelines on the types of food for cholesterol control that you can or cannot consume. The Mediterranean diet is one such successful diet. Apart from its obvious benefit in reducing bad cholesterol levels, it is an excellent source of vitamins and proteins. What is the Mediterranean Diet? The Mediterranean diet gets its name from the region where it is commonly followed, namely the nations near the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean diet chiefly comprises food for cholesterol reduction. The focus of this diet is on lean meats, red wine, whole grain, good fats, and fresh produce. Studies have shown that the people from Greece and Southern Italy, who mainly followed the Mediterranean diet, have lesser rates of heart disease. They were also found to have lower cholesterol levels. Features of the Mediterranean Diet A Mediterranean diet typically has the following features: The Mediterranean diet mostly comprises nuts, seeds, and olive oil as they are rich in monounsaturated fats Legumes like beans are used more often in this diet Red wine is consumed almost daily, but in moderation Fish that have a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon,  are part of this diet Grains that are rich in fiber, like oatmeal and other whole grains, are consumed People from the Mediterranean do not consume a lot of red meat They also consume less sugar in this diet There is moderate use of dairy products, with mainly healthy items such as parmesan cheese and yogurt used in their cooking The Mediterranean diet makes liberal use of fresh vegetables and fruits in the dishes prepared It is chiefly due to the features mentioned above that a Mediterranean diet is popular with those suffering from high cholesterol.