Simple Remedies You Must Know For Natural Treatment Of Enlarged Prostate
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Simple Remedies You Must Know For Natural Treatment Of Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged prostate is a condition medically termed as BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) that causes difficulties in urination among men. Apart from medical help and diagnosis, it’s imperative to learn how to use a few simple remedies for natural treatment of enlarged prostate Prostate is a muscular gland that produces semen, and is responsible for carrying sperms out of the system during ejaculation. The prostate gland is placed below the urethra and behind the bladder in the male reproductive system. Enlargement of the prostate gradually occurs with age, especially after the age of 40 to 50 years, and is often associated with hormonal changes that occur during this time. However in some cases, this condition may also prevail at a younger age. Enlargement of the prostate gland can cause pressure on the urinary tract causing it to narrow, and resulting in many difficulties during urination such as increased frequency of urination especially in the night, lack of sleep, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, dribbling urine, strained urination, abdominal pain and sometimes even blood in the urine. There are other urinary tract infections that patients already suffering from enlarged prostate can become susceptible to. Treatment of an enlarged prostate involves prescribed medication after diagnosis, such as terazosin (a drug that helps in the relaxation of the prostate muscles), as well as antibiotics which are recommended for men experiencing chronic prostatitis, and sometimes even surgery to remove the excess tissue of the enlarged prostate.