Natural Home Remedies For Swollen Feet
Home Remedies

Natural Home Remedies For Swollen Feet

Fluid buildup in the muscles and tissues cause swelling in the feet. If you are hale and healthy, swollen feet can be a result of exertion. Taking adequate rest and keeping the legs elevated brings down the swelling. When it gets severe, swollen feet, medically termed as peripheral edema, can lead to difficulty while walking, skin ulcerations, scarred tissue, increase the risk of infection and a decrease in blood circulation. Peripheral edema can manifest across all age groups. The elderly who have suffered a muscle wear and tear, and athletes engaged in high impact activities, are at a higher risk of suffering from swollen feet and ankles. The swelling is painless and can occur in one or both the legs. Primary Causes The feet can swell due to—injury, pregnancy, ageing, being overweight, excess consumption of salt, underlying medical conditions, high altitude, binge drinking, menstruation/PMS, standing or sitting in the same position for long duration, and intake of medications such as antidepressants, steroids, birth-control pills with high estrogen, calcium channel blockers, and medication for diabetes. Heart, liver and kidney failure can also cause swollen feet, due to the accumulation of fluids. Other underlying conditions that can be the cause for swollen feet include—varicose veins, insect bite, arthritis of the feet, thyroid disorder, venous insufficiency, blood clots, excessive use of laxatives, drugs, and diuretics, salt retention, malnutrition, lymphatic obstruction, any allergic reaction, and leg or foot surgery.