Best Diet Options for Ulcerative Colitis
The key to finding the right kind of foods for people suffering from ulcerative colitis is to look for foods that contain all the essential nutrients but would not aggravate the digestive tract. Given below a list of food items that are good to eat when you have ulcerative colitis or colitis flare-up: Soothe symptoms with salmon Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids in high amount. It is excellent for your colon and heart health. According to a study, essential fatty acids ease inflammation. It means that salmon helps to counterbalance the inflammation caused by a colitis flare. Other food items containing a rich source of omega-3 include flaxseed oil, albacore tuna, ground flaxseed, and walnuts, which should be added to diets for colitis. Add yogurt to your meals Yogurt or any other fermented foods like miso, kefir, sauerkraut, etc. contain probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria present in our guts and fermented foods. These bacteria are important to maintain a healthy immune system and digestion. If you eat foods that are filled with active and live cultures, they would keep optimal levels of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Always buy yogurt that lists active and live culture on their contents’ list.