Managing psoriasis – Top 3 foods to avoid

Managing psoriasis – Top 3 foods to avoid

A person with psoriasis must avoid all triggers. Doing so will manage the condition and avoid any unexpected flare-ups. Such triggers may include certain foods, so their complete removal from the food plan may help patients live discomfort-free lives. Also, as psoriasis is a chronic condition, its management becomes extremely difficult, but avoiding potential triggers may prevent the worsening of symptoms and flare-ups. Given below are food items that a person with psoriasis must avoid.

Foods to avoid
Patients with psoriasis and its accompanying symptoms should avoid food that can increase inflammation because immune system response and inflammation may lead to a flareup. Hence, here are some foods that a person with psoriasis must avoid.

Eggs are considered harmful for people who have psoriasis. In this case, one factor that plays a significant role is the presence of a fatty acid known as arachidonic acid, a known trigger for psoriasis symptoms. Hence, patients are suggested to steer clear of eggs and avoid consuming them in any form.

In most cases, celiac disease is characterized by an immune response to gluten. Research suggests that psoriasis patients have shown increased gluten sensitivity markers. Thus, cutting out all wheat-based products containing gluten is suggested, and opting for gluten-free alternatives such as buckwheat, quinoa, and rice is recommended.

Popular belief suggests that nightshades such as tomatoes can trigger psoriasis flare-ups. Fruits and vegetables obtained from nightshade plants also contain solanine, which has been shown to hamper digestion and cause inflammation in the body. This may cause worsening of psoriasis symptoms and lead to increased discomfort to the patient.