What to Expect from Hepatitis C Treatment

What to Expect from Hepatitis C Treatment

Learn more about the types of hepatitis C treatment medications, and whether you are eligible for the new hepatitis C treatment options. The number one cause of liver cancer, hepatitis C is also the number one reason people have to undergo liver transplantations. This medical condition is the result of contracting a virus by coming into contact with infected blood. Sometimes, hepatitis C can spread through sexual intercourse too. Though it is a curable condition, the rate of cure stayed at lower than 50 percent for the longest time. Most of the hepatitis C treatment options put the patient through a lot of pain and turmoil. Standard treatment options included painful injection of interferon medication as well as ribavirin pills. Instead of working on the virus that is causing the illness, these medications worked by boosting your immune system to fight off the virus better – but fight you had to. Times have changed since, and new hepatitis C treatment options are working in a quicker, safer, and painless way. Here is everything you need to know about hepatitis C treatment and what you can expect from it. Will You Be Treated At All? The first thing to understand is that you may or may not get any form of hepatitis C treatment depending on a number of factors such as how much damage has already been caused to your liver (is it worth saving?), how much of the HCV (hepatitis C virus) you actually have in your body, what other health conditions you are handling, and lastly, what genotype of the HCV you have.