These Hair Scalp Diseases will Shock You
Hair scalp diseases cause plenty of discomfort and embarrassment. Here are some hair scalp diseases that you probably did not even know about. Hair scalp diseases could cause excessive hair loss, thinning and breaking of hair, as well as balding. Balding in certain parts of the head are quite common among people and most of them are related to aging and genetics. However, hair scalp disorders may or may not always be associated with hair loss. The following are certain characteristics of various shocking hair scalp diseases to watch out for. Psoriasis Psoriasis is one of the hair scalp diseases that can progress enough to cause localized hair loss, excessive dandruff, and severe itching of the scalp. Genetic predisposition and varied environmental factors are a couple of the possible causative factors behind this scalp disease. Psoriasis is a disease marked by itchy, scaly patches that are red in color wherein the scars almost resemble severe burns on the body. Alopecia Areata This scalp disease is also known as ‘spot baldness’ which causes extreme hair loss in some or all parts of the body, usually in the scalp area. This happens because the body fails to recognize its own cells, thus destroying its own tissues which leads to the development of bald spots on the scalp.