
6 Effective Herbal Remedies for Anxiety and Insomnia

People are so engrossed in surviving in this stressful world that they forget how to live; everything is centered around survival these days. In a bid to acquire all the luxuries-turned-nece...

Home Remedies

Eczema – Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

The skin is the largest organ of the body by weight making about one-sixth of our total body weight. It’s a complicated structure and consists of three layers namely; epidermis the outermo...


Common Causes and Symptoms of Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a painful condition that causes inflammation of the joints. The term arthritis covers a broad spectrum of rheumatic diseases and conditions, that affect the joints. There are ov...

Big C

A concise introduction to the different types of blood cancer

3 Major Blood Cancer Types You Should Know Cancer in any form is life-threatening; approximately 38.5% of men and women in the country are diagnosed with one or the other type of cancer. ...


What You Need to Know about Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Osteoarthritis Of The Knee The knee is one of the most important and crucial joints in your body. The knee is the joint bears the weight of the entire body and should be kept in good health...


Causes and Triggers of Chronic Migraine

A migraine is a condition characterized by severe headaches, which commonly occurs predominantly in one part of the head. A migraine is often debilitating and hampers people's daily life....


Symptoms and Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Our memories are often our most prized possessions. They remind us of lessons learned and a life well lived. Imagine the pain of losing them! This is what exactly happens in Alzheimer’s...


Everything You Need to Know about a Blood Pressure Chart

What is Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is the force that transports blood through our circulatory system. It is a life force which pushes oxygen and nutrients around our circulatory syst...


Various Causes of Low Testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone in males, that is generated in the testicles and helps in the development of their physical features. Testosterone is the key hormone that provides men with mus...


Managing Mold Exposure Symptoms Effectively

Mold is a type of fungus that grows in strands. Mold could be present in homes all year round. The most common molds found in homes are as follows. Cladosporium Penicillium Alter...