Guide to Using Hemorrhoid Relief Creams
Hemorrhoid which is also known as piles is a medical condition in which vascular tissue in and around the anal area gets swelled. This leads to inflammation and tenderness in an area around the anus. This medical condition also leads to the development of discomfort in the bowel movement. There are numerous hemorrhoid relief creams available in the market which can be used for immediate relief from this problem. However, before these hemorrhoid relief creams are used, the application technique of these creams should be known, else it can result in some other medical complication. Following are the hemorrhoid relief creams available in the market which can be used to control the development of hemorrhoid. Anesthetic cream for hemorrhoid Hemorrhoid ointment (Benzocaine) Pramoxine hemorrhoid ointment H hemorrhoidal cream Fast hemorrhoid relief cream Homeopathic hemorrhoid cream Anusol hemorrhoid cream Lidocaine hemorrhoid cream Venapro hemorrhoid cream Avatrol hemorrhoid cream In addition to these creams, some more hemorrhoid relief creams are popular and are used by patients on a regular basis. These include: RectiCare Anorectal Cream This cream is used in case of external and internal hemorrhoid. This offers instant relief from itching, pain, and burning which might occur in the case of hemorrhoid.