Effective Tips to Get Relief from Abdominal Bloating
Everybody knows that with abdominal bloating one experiences physical discomforts. When air or gas fills in your GI (gastrointestinal) tract, you experience stomach or abdominal bloating. People suffering from abdominal bloating feel full and tight, and there can be a swollen feeling in the abdomen as well. Pain, flatulence, belching or burping, and abdominal rumbling follows bloating, and this condition reduces the quality of life seriously. The major causes of bloating are chewing gum, eating fast, wearing loose dentures, smoking, IBS, Crohn’s disease, heartburn, weight gain, food intolerance, stress or anxiety, eating disorders, hormonal flux, giardiasis, constipation, visceral hypersensitivity, and altered gut motility. If you’re wondering how to get abdominal bloating relief, the following tips will help. Make efforts to get maximum protection from lactose intolerance and allergies Many people suffer from bloating due to food intolerance and allergies. First of all, you have to seek the help of your doctor to identify the cause of bloating. Self-diagnosis is not at all an advisable practice to follow. When you take decisions without adequate knowledge, you may end up inviting a lot of health complications. If you sense intolerance or allergy, consult with your doctor to identify the cause. The amount of the suspected food can be lowered, or it can be consumed with other foods to reduce the negative impact.