Dealing With Sociopathic Personality Disorder

Dealing With Sociopathic Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are on the rise. Generally, such disorders cause discomfort to the person suffering from such a condition. However, Sociopathic Personality Disorder also has damaging effects on the people around the patient, who suffers from this disorder. More prevalent in men than women, Sociopathic Personality Disorder is medically defined as a mental health condition in which a person exhibits antisocial behaviour without any care/concern for the people around him and with no intention to follow societal norms. This sort of a behaviour is exhibited in the long term with the intention to violate other’s rights. While it is not possible to pinpoint the exact cause of this personality disorder, an interplay of genes and environmental factors like child abuse, can lead to this condition. Identifying A Sociopath A sociopath can be identified through the traits exhibited. These are hallmark traits and the presence of 3 or more, can confirm that it’s a case of sociopathic personality disorder. Lack of concern towards other people and their feelings Not conforming to the rules and norms of society, thus violating the law Deceitfulness, with an intention to con and cheat people intentionally Easily builds relationships through deception, but cannot sustain the relationship Always putting the blame on others No remorse or feelings of guilt, for their actions Aggressive, very low tolerance levels, often culminating in violence Inconsistent behaviour Impulsive behavior, combined with the inability to plan ahead Sociopaths are deceitful people who con their way to people’s heart.