A List of the Best Probiotic Yogurt Brands Available in the Market

A List of the Best Probiotic Yogurt Brands Available in the Market

American Gastroenterological Association opines that probiotics are good bacterial strains which benefit the health of its consumers. It would help people with digestion if taken on a regular basis. It is also supposed to work as a shield against illness-causing bacteria. The best way to include this bacterium in your diet is through yogurt which consists of living organisms. In the USA, most brands of yogurt contain probiotics however the idea is to consume the one in which the organisms have been added after the heating process. Thus, you need to check the label to ensure that you are buying the right thing. The one to purchase must have “live and active cultures” on the packaging. Here is a list of the most popular brands that make the best probiotic yogurts. Activia Activia, which is manufactured by the world-renowned company, Dannon, is available in an array of flavors like mixed berry, strawberry, vanilla, prune, and cherry. It comprises of several healthy varieties of probiotics such as Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium lactic and Lactobacillus bulgaricus – a specific probiotic culture meant for digestion and regularity. ‘Applied and Environmental Microbiology’ published a study in the July 2006 issue conducted by Marina Eli where he mentioned that both Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus survived through the entire digestive pathways continuing to enhance regularity and digestion.