Home Remedies
13 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles
Everybody has seen the occurrence of dark circles at one point or the other in their life. Now, what exactly are these dark circles? It is a condition where the skin under the eyes of an individual gets pigmented. Dark circles do not pose any serious threat to one’s health. However, they are believed to be aesthetically displeasing and may lead to low self-confidence. While the cause of these dark circles is often not dangerous, however, if these are persistent, there might be a serious ailment behind. The skin under the eyes is very fragile, because of which dark circles are prominent specifically in that area. The reason behind their appearance range from nonserious issues such as inadequate sleep, excessive consumption of alcohol, stress, allergies, old age to severe ones such as periorbital cellulitis, hyperthyroidism, and liver ailment. Dark circles may also be inherited from one’s parents. It is an arduous task to heal these dark circles. Hence, it becomes essential to have an improved lifestyle to prevent their development. The different ways in which dark circles can be treated are as follows: Potato juice – Yes, potatoes are not only meant for eating but also for healing purposes. Placing a cloth dipped in the juice of raw potatoes on the eyes for a few minutes daily makes this an effective dark circle treatment option.