Diets & Meal Plans

5 foods that can help fight lung cancer

Different foods can have positive effects on our body and mind. There are foods that may help fight lung cancer and other types of cancers. However, patients who are already affected by lung...

Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to have to help manage depression

Depression is a medical illness wherein a person’s moods, thoughts, actions, and emotions are adversely impacted by factors such as one’s biochemistry, genetics, personality, and environ...

Diets & Meal Plans

Foods that help boost energy for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) describes lung diseases which include refractory asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. The disease causes increased breathlessness.Eating fo...

Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to avoid and consume for colitis patients

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that causes the inflammation of the inner lining of the large intestine, and rectum. It also causes sores. It is regarded as an autoimmune disease where the...

Diets & Meal Plans

Follow this diet to manage symptoms of cervical cancer

The American Cancer Society estimates that over 13,240 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer and of these 4,170 women have died.Eating various vegetables and fruits will protect you from...

Diets & Meal Plans

Bipolar disorder – 5 foods to avoid

There’s a host of unhealthy ailments you’re exposing yourself to if you eat unhealthy foods. A lesser-known effect of poor diets, however, is that they could end up triggering bipolar m...

Diets & Meal Plans

Schizophrenia – Foods to eat and avoid

It has been observed that those who have schizophrenia, a chronic psychological illness, usually have diets that are unhealthy, low in fiber and fruit, and high in saturated fats. Unhealthy ...

Diets & Meal Plans

Top snacks that help ease rheumatoid arthritis pain

Pain, stiffness in joints and swelling are the main symptoms of an arthritis onset. Rheumatoid arthritis is a major kind that is an autoimmune disease where your immune system affects your j...

Diets & Meal Plans

Top probiotic foods for a healthy gut

Consuming healthy bacteria must be a part of an everyday lifestyle, and for all the good reasons such as boosting immunity, metabolism, and mental health and for the overall physical well-be...

Diets & Meal Plans

Foods that will help you fight lymphoma

When a person suffers from lymphoma, nutrition plays a vital role in the treatment. The cancer of the lymph nodes is known as lymphoma. The lymph nodes are a mass of tissues that helps in p...