What You Need To Know About Knee Replacement Surgery
The basic procedure before starting any surgery is the first step. Your vital signs will be checked to make sure that your body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygenation levels, and other vital signs are normal. If there is a dysfunction in any of your vital signs, the surgery will not be performed until it has been rectified. With the vital signs all good, the doctor has the green light to proceed with the surgery. The second most important step involves administering anesthesia to the patient. You will be given general anesthesia, where you will be in a deep sleep, or regional anesthesia, where the sensation to feel is blocked from below your below your waist. The knee that is to be operated is marked. The surgeon will first make an incision that is around 8 to 10 inches long in the center of your knee. After this line, he will cut through the deeper tissues like the quadriceps and tendons. The kneecap is then flipped over so that the tibia and femur are accessible. The knee is then bent at a 90-degree angle, to allow the surgeon easier access to the joint that needs to be operated. The arthritically injured or damaged areas are removed with the help of a bone saw.